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Free Resource to Support Student Mental Health

Posted Date: 08/21/2022

ASA Members,

Please see the information below about a free resource to support student mental health:

Dear Educators, 
For those that don’t know me, my name is Francine Sumner and I am the Founder and CEO of the nonprofit organization, Kid in the Corner. Our mission is to shatter the stigma that surrounds mental illness and to support the kid in the corner whoever that may be. For those that do know me, welcome back to the start of the 22-23 school year! 
Recent studies have found that nearly HALF of all teens in the US are affected by mental illness. That is why we believe it is vital to reach out to youth as early as possible to ensure that they have the tools, skills and language they need to adapt to these new realities. 

Our organization was founded in 2017 after the loss of my youngest son Zachary to suicide. After taking time to reflect on his journey, it became clear that stigma had played a crucial role in the outcome of his story. My son, Zach, had felt alone and isolated during his struggle with mental illness. But this was not
 because people didn’t care, rather it was because those around him didn’t know what to say. Talking about mental illness can be awkward and uncomfortable for many people. That’s why at Kid in the Corner we are dedicated to providing youth with the skills, tools, language and permission they need to have these difficult conversations. 
Our Penny Pledge Program is trauma-informed and focuses on providing youth with the tools, skills, and language needed to:

  1. Reach out to others that may be struggling
  2. Take care of their own mental health
  3. Be a safe and caring person that others can come to 
The Penny Pledge Program has been designed and adapted for grades 4-12. The Elementary School level of the program takes place during 3 classroom sessions approximately 45 minutes long and the Middle and High School level of the program takes place during a single, one-hour presentation. 
During the last school year, we were able to reach 3,300 youth with our signature program. Below are some of the measurable results that we collected: 
  • 85% of youth demonstrated an increase in level of comfort reaching out to “the kid in the corner”
  • 80% of youth reported having a self-care plan and knowledge of how to use it
  • 32% of youth reported increased levels of comfort in being a person that others can talk to (listening skills)
  • 94% of youth demonstrated an increase in their understanding of what Stigma means
  • 88% of youth demonstrated increased knowledge of available suicide prevention resources and how they can use them
As the 2022/2023 school year quickly approaches, we are currently scheduling sessions and would love the opportunity to schedule time with your students. We work vigorously to secure grant funding as well as other funding from the community to ensure our programming remains free of charge for schools. 
Attached you will find some additional information about our organization and our program. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.  
I look forward to connecting with you and hopefully scheduling time with your students. 

Overview     Watch Zach's Story

With Gratitude, 
Francine Sumner 

Francine Sumner 
Kid In The Corner | Founder and CEO
6929 N. Hayden Road Suite C4-126 
Scottsdale AZ 85250-7969
t 480.203.9038 | e
Kid In The Corner is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit 
organization registered in the US under
EIN: 82-3129345.