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Celebrating Excellence in Arizona Public Schools Through Arizona Educational Foundation

Posted Date: 08/22/2022

The Arizona Educational Foundation has resources and programs that can help you celebrate excellence in your school(s).  They are hosting an informative webinar on September 29th at 10:00 AM, where you can learn more:

Whether you want to celebrate the great things that are happening at your school or you want more support, AEF™ is there for you! Did you know AEF™ has seven programs that celebrate and support public schools? The two notable programs provided by AEF™ that should be on every public schools radar consist of A+ School of Excellence® Award and the Arizona Teacher of the Year program. AEF™ programs to support schools consist of the Principals Leadership Academy of AZ, teachSTEM, Our World, and the AZ State Spelling Bee. This session will provide an overview of these programs and how they can help you! 

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Dr. Teresa Hill

Deputy Director

2021 AZ Principal of the Year

Arizona Educational Foundation

(520) 591-0972 (m)