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Upcoming ESSER Training

Posted Date: 10/02/2022

Arizona Department of Education



Upcoming Training


Good Afternoon,

It is time to begin gathering data to measure the efficacy of the evidence-based practices, strategies, programs, or interventions implemented using the ESSER III required 20% set-aside funds. As we know, the use of data is a powerful tool to strengthen academic outcomes for all students. Data informs decisions about which programs to continue, expand, revise or terminate.

To assist LEAs, ADE has partnered with the Region 15 Comprehensive Center at WestEd and Regional Educational Laboratory West to provide learning opportunities for the teams responsible for implementing ESSER strategies, programs, interventions, and activities. There will be three trainings:

  • Measuring Outcomes for Evidence-Based Strategies Intended Outcomes, Success Indicators, Four Types of Data to Consider
  • Using Data Review Protocols-#1-Here’s What, So What, Now What
  • Using Data Review Protocols-#2  Examining Data Protocol
  • Office hours are offered for individual support 

We encourage LEA Teams responsible for the implementation and oversight of ESSER set aside strategies, programs, interventions or activities to attend. This might include Teaching and Learning staff (curriculum and instruction), Federal Programs staff, School Improvement staff, site-level leadership, etc.

The first cycle of programmatic monitoring is finishing up next month. The second cycle, in spring 2023, will primarily focus on the 20% set-aside. LEAs are selected randomly to be monitored.

The training flyer can be found here. More information can be found in ESSER lll Data Review-Evidence of Efficacy/Improved Outcomes.

For more information or questions, contact Devon Isherwood at 602 364-0379 or email




Devon Isherwood | Deputy Associate Superintendent
School Support and Improvement and
Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds
Student Achievement and School Excellence Division
Arizona Department of Education
Office: 602-364-0379
Cell: 480-242-6573





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