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Santa Cruz Valley Job Vacancies

by Job Postings

Posted on March 1, 2025

Santa Cruz Valley vacancies-Certified

Current Vacancies for SY 2024/2025

Elementary (CS, MV & SC), Elementary Science, Physical Education and Band Teachers

Middle School Science, Math, Band and STEAM Teachers High School Math, English and ELL Teachers

Occupational Therapist, School Psychologist, Speech-Language Pathologist*

Current and Anticipated Vacancies for SY 2025/2026

High School Principal, Learning and Professional Development Coordinator, Human Resources Manager

Elementary (CS, MV & SC), Elementary Science, Physical Education and Band Teachers

Middle School Science, Math, Band and STEAM Teachers High School Math, English and ELL Teachers

Occupational Therapist, School Psychologist, Speech-Language Pathologist*

(#) = indicates number of positions when multiple vacancies exist

All teaching positions require appropriate Arizona Teacher Certification. Up to ten (10) years credit may be given for previous experience for initial placement on Certified Salary Placement Guide.

*Annual stipends of $2,500 for Math and Special Education endorsements are available. For more information, see the Certified Summary of Benefits. During the 2024-2025 school year, the District has $3,917 in performance compensation available to each certified teacher. This is in addition to the $12,216 in 301 base pay that was distributed to all eligible staff. Benefits include Medical, Dental, Prescription, Life Insurance, Arizona State Retirement, and Personal Leave. In addition, the District offers a two-year Mentor Program to all new teachers. Academic and athletic stipends ranging from $500 to $4,200 are also available.

The District’s online application is available on the “Jobs” tab of the District web-site or at

Teachers and professional staff employed by the Santa Cruz Valley USD No. 35 may qualify for loan forgiveness of specific federal loans. To find out if you may qualify for this program or for more information, please visit the Teacher Loan Forgiveness or Public Service Loan Forgiveness websites.

For information on Arizona Teacher licensure and reciprocity please visit the Arizona Department of Education website at:

Santa Cruz Valley Unified School District No. 35 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability, veteran's status, political affiliation or genetic code in its educational programs, activities or employment policies as required by federal law.

Santa Cruz Valley Unified School District No. 35 Human Resources Department (520)375-8267 or

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